03 March 2017

More Campaign Questions

I found this over at my online and real life friend Nathan Jenning's 'blog. More interesting questions to consider when creating a fantasy campaign.

Questions for Campaigns at Each Level of Scale

What is the name of this place?

  1. Backstory
  2. Size
  3. Population
  4. Army and size
What race is in charge here? Really?

Do they speak common? Something else?

Is anything illegal?
  1. Weapons
  2. Magic
  3. Something odd or absurd?
Who is in charge? Really?

Secret societies? Cults?

Who is the wealthiest? Different from above? Really?

  1. Motte & Baily
  2. Castle & Keep
  3. Curtain Walls
  4. Wood
  5. Stone
  6. Enchanted
What is the religion? Really?

Who is their cleric? Really?
  1. What are clerics?
  2. How do clerics work here?
Is this place for Law, Chaos or Neutrality?

Can we change alignment here?

Who is the most powerful?
  1. FM
  2. CL
  3. MU
  4. TH
  5. Dwarf
  6. Elf
  7. Hobbit
Who knows the most?
  1. Book knowledge
  2. Experience
Is there a:
  1. Tavern or Inn
  2. Stable or Livery
  3. Jail or Prison ... and who is in it?
  4. Church or Temple
  5. Bank
  6. Town or Guild Hall ... which guilds?
  7. School
Can we buy?
  1. Supplies
  2. Equipment
  3. Weapons or Armor
  4. Magic Items
  5. Transportation
Can we find?
  1. Healing or Potions
  2. Antidote
  3. Cures
  4. Raise Dead
  5. Curse or Remove Curse
  6. Lycanthropy Cure
Can we obtain hirelings? Retainers?

Where is the nearest treasure to recover?
  1. Is it legendary
  2. Will it make us famous
  3. Will it make us rich
Are there any problems around here?
  1. NPCs
  2. Monsters
  3. Will it make us famous
  4. Will it make us rich
  5. Will it make us landed
Is this place its own problem?
  1. Deception
  2. Intrigue
  3. Corruption
Does anyone need something done?
  1. Are they rich
  2. Powerful
  3. Will they pay: in kind, coin, land
Is this place at war?
  1. With whom
  2. How long
  3. Is it just
  4. Who is winning
Where is the nearest dragon? And hoard? Or any creature that:
  1. Petrifies
  2. Paralyzes
  3. Drains Energy
  4. Poisons
  5. Breathes a weapon
  6. Contagious condition
  7. Regenerates
  8. Enchants
How do PCs find out about these things? Rumors?


  1. Wow, I'm just now seeing this.

    Thanks for the link and repost, man!

  2. Cool! I'm glad they were of some use to you.
