29 June 2018

II-24: Don't Be Thin-Skinned -- Armor & Scrolls, Annotated

Armor: type of magic armor is not indicated, only pluses. When OD&D spoke of “Armor” in relation to adventurers, it often referred to plate-mail. If such a distinction was intended, it went unmarked by many and magic varieties of leather, chain, and plate were often encountered during play.

Scrolls: on the scrolls table the explanatory text states [t]here is a 25% chance that any scroll of spells found will contain those usable by clerics, this text does not appear in the first printing. Turning to page 32, both printings indicate […] [a]ll Scrolls are spells for Magic-Users […]. Many referees of later editions found regarded this contradiction as a simple error and allowed found scrolls to have a the indicated chance of Cleric spells. A few referees interpreted this to mean any Cleric spells found on spell scrolls were usable by, and only usable by, Magic-Users. We owned the first printing and initially did not allow Clerics to scribe spell scrolls.

25 June 2018

II-23: Magic Item Tables, Annotated

Magic/Maps Determination Table(s)


All Tables


The tables presented are rolled with percentage dice, weighted toward certain outcomes. For example, on the Magic Items table, one has a 20% chance to roll a magic sword as result but only a 5% chance of a miscellaneous weapon. 

Also noteworthy are the listings themselves. The characteristics noted on the tables are sometimes the only explanation received. For example, Sword +1, Wishes Included (2-8 Wishes) tells you everything specific you need to know about the sword. Generalities covering all magic swords (and other items/weapons) are covered in next section of the rules.

Experience Points ... I Mean: Treasure! (II-22, Annotated)

Page 22


Treasure Types: men have three types of treasure, all types of men also have prisoners. Interesting the latter was included with treasure types, though players were quick to pick up on the reward possibilities presented by this aspect of a treasure hoard. Treasures generated by this table could vary widely in value. 
In the 8th printing, the following treasure types are awarded to only a single listed monster type 

22 June 2018

II-20 thru 22: I've Been Slimed! Finishing Up The Monster Annotations

Page 20


Green Slimes: another cleaning crew member, also drawn from ‘50s Hollywood horror flicks. 

The Cleanup Crew: ochre jelly, black/gray pudding, green slime, gray ooze, yellow mold. Excellent general use monsters due to their nature as scavengers and carrion feeders. These can be troublesome due to common modes of attacks actually working against the attacking party. 

Horses: only war horses melee; so what is a war horse? We originally interpreted this as a matter of training versus type of horse. Later we revised it to apply only medium and heavy horses could be trained as warhorses. 

Mules: the note [o]nly mules are agile enough to be taken in dungeons encouraged the nearly universal presence of a mule or two in adventuring parties. 

Insects or Small Animals: introduces the a hit equals a kill idea into the rules, for those who have no experience with Chainmail.

Large Insects or Animals: besides a brief mention of Barsoomian creatures from Burrough’s works of fiction, we are also introduced to another new concept. If the referee is not personally familiar with the various monsters included in this category, the participants of the campaign can be polled to decide all characteristics. This highlights the do it yourself attitude of the original play style. 

Pages 21-22


Other Monsters: suggests Titans, Cyclopes, Juggernauts, Living Statues, Salamanders, Gelatinous Cubes, Robots, Golems, Androids; as additions to a campaign. Many of these would be described in Greyhawk, all were listed in one edition or another during the pre-1983 era of the game.

21 June 2018

II-19: Don't Be Efreet, It's Only A Djinn, annotations

Page 19


Djinn: no reference to their wish-granting abilities of myth. A powerful ally who can create food and drink, as well as carry heavy loads and fight as a whirlwind. 

Efreet: with regard to OD&D, these are basically Chaotic Djinn. 

Ochre Jellies: basically the 1958 movie monster “The Blob” statted out for OD&D. A fun monster to throw at an adventuring party. This monster also introduces us to the “clean up crew,” a group of underworld scavengers keeping the dungeons free of corpses and offal (and sometimes live adventurers). 

Black (or Gray) Puddings: another blob-like creature, with different vulnerabilities than the Ochre Jelly.

II-18: It's Elemental, annotations

Page 18


Griffons: here we are given the most prized of steeds which cannot be brought within 36” (over three football fields) of horses. 

Elementals: repeats the admonition only one of each type can be brought into existence during any “day.” The description then gives us the various Hit Dice for these creatures. Those summoned by spells are the strongest, but woe unto the poor adventure who loses control of this monster!

II-17: Big Flying Things Annotated

Page 17


Hippogriff: the descriptions warns us though the name implies a cross between the horse and the Griffon, the Hippogriff is another kind of beast entirely. We then read how the hippogriff is a cross between a griffin and a horse! A griffin is a mythological creature (which also appears on the next page of the rules) with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; and wings, head, and talons (as front legs) of an eagle. A Hippogriff changes the lion parts with a horse. In other words? A cross between a horse and a griffon. 

Rocs: the rules do not list Giant Eagles, such as those found in Tolkien's tales, but gives us Rocs which make a fine substitute. This stands out to us because the rules take pains to state these Rocs are […] understood to be that for the small variety […].

13 June 2018

II-16: Fey Races; Annotations

Page 16


Pixies: innately invisible, with an interesting footnote. They can be seen clearly only when a spell to make them visible is employed, although certain monsters such as Dragons and high-level fighters will be aware of their presence. What is a high level fighter, we must ask ourselves. In light of implied upper levels of or around level 12, when does a player-character qualify as high level? Hero, Superhero, or Lord; these seem reasonable interpretations. 
Dryads: these are highly likely to throw an overpowered charm spell and effectively remove a player-character from the campaign. Of course, a clever referee might use such an event as an adventure hook.

Gnomes: Dwarves Lite, all the taste but only half the calories. These like hills instead of mountains. 
Dwarves: domesticate bears, wolves, or whatever to guard their defenses. 
Elves: the description implies their ability to move unseen is the result of their gray-green cloaks. Which leads us to wonder if their talent for moving quietly is because of their boots? If so, a fantastic world might quickly become overrun with elvish cloaks and boots after a battle with elven-kind. This description also gives us the elvish ability to split-move and fire but only while on foot. 

Treants: referred to as Ents in the first printing. Treants can shepherd trees, making them men-at … ahem … trees-at-arms and obedient to the Treant’s whims. According to the description Treants are Lawful but are given some rather Neutral traits.

II-15: Is The Purple Worm A Weird Dragon? Annotated

Page 15

Purple Worms: includes rather horrific rules for death by suffocation as a result of being swallowed alive. Also, the question arises whether turn in this case should be more properly round, as in combat round. The first of several monsters listed that never check morale but instead attacks until slain or victorious. The theory has floated around the purple worm was basically a wingless, burrowing dragon.

Sea Monsters: a non-statted, non-described monster for show. We have always wondered what the “if it has stats it can be killed” crowd thought of that, to wit, if it does not have statistics can it therefore not be slain?

Minotaurs: the bull-headed man quip is a fine example of Gygax’s humor. 

Nixies: Neutral in alignment, though the charming and imprisonment of others would seem Chaotic. Perhaps the Chaotic leanings of such an act are balanced by the Lawful action of always releasing their charmed victims after one year.

II-14: Lycanthropes & Missing Balrogs; Annotated

Page 14


Adventuring Party Illustration, Middle of Page: this illo replaces the Balrog monster description excised in later printings. 

Lycanthropes: wererats, another iconic D&D monster and one of our favorites, were added in Supplement I: Greyhawk. 
This description details lycanthrope young. This gives rise to one of the oldest debates of D&D gaming: is killing Chaotic youngling itself a Chaotic act?

08 June 2018

II-11 thru 13: Dragons, Wyverns, & Balrog Illos; Annotated

Page 11-13


Wyverns: though dragons are not physically described (and why would they be, everyone knows what a dragon looks like), the wyvern is described. We are told they are relatives of Dragons, but they are smaller and have but two legs. We may infer from this dragons have more than two legs. The AD&D Monster Manual would later depict dragons with four legs and a pair of wings, wyverns with two legs and a pair of wings. 
Dragons: the description for this iconic monsters includes excellent rules for subduing a dragon (p. 12). In this manner a player could acquire a dragon NPC hireling. Some referees would extend these rules to other types of monsters. 

Demon Illustration, Bottom of Page: in the current printing the winged humanoid is not labeled. Before the cease and desist letter from the Tolkien Estate there was a caption: Balrog.

06 June 2018

OD&D II-10: Lizard-y Monsters, Annotated

Page 10


Cockatrice and Basilisk: iconic D&D monsters over the decades. While these are depicted in later editions as a rooster like serpent and multi-legged lizard respectively, one should note there is no explicit description for either. The Cockatrice is said to be able to fly, it is noted the basilisk cannot. Volume III, page 7 features an illustration of a basilisk we can best describe as dragon-like dog creature. 

Gorgons: though most persons associate the word Gorgon with snake-haired Medusa and her two sisters? Gygax was familiar with a less well-known reference to a scaled bull which fed on poisonous herbs giving it a lethal breath. 

Hydras: a multi-headed dragon like creature. In A&D the beast would evolve into three types drawn from mythology.

03 June 2018

Undead Monsters, II-9; Annotated

Page 9


Skeletons/Zombies: no morale check and typically large numbers made these monsters formidable opponents for low- to mid-level adventurers. Even if the party Cleric manages to turn these, their numbers can be overwhelming. 

Ghouls: the elf’s immunity to a Ghoul’s paralyzing touch is noted, though not their implied ability to remove this paralysis from the Ghoul’s victims. This is another example of a CM reference rendered superfluous by the text. 

Wights: our first level draining monsters. Wights are immune to all non-magic weapons, with the sole exception silver ones; and are particularly susceptible to damage from magic weapons. 

Wraiths: tougher Wights who are also more resistant to magic weapon damage. One or two of these running with a bunch of Wights can really mess up an adventuring party’s day. 

Mummies: their diseased touch makes these pretty nasty opponents, though their weakness versus fire offsets the threat from a Mummy somewhat. 

Spectres: non-corporeal, draining two levels per hit, and immune to silver weapons make this a tough opponent for low-level types.

Vampires: these have all the classical abilities of vampires from Gothic Horror and Hollywood movies. Basically, they are tough to kill and tend not to stay dead, making them a good referee’s choice for long-running nemesis.

01 June 2018

II-8: Hobgoblins, Gnolls, Ogres, Trolls, and Giants ... Oh, My! (Annotated)

Page 8


Hobgoblins: the word “hob” has an archaic usage meaning “fairy, sprite, elf, bogey.” Hobgoblins would therefore be bogey-men. In game terms Hobgoblins are tougher and stay in the fight longer than their weaker goblin cousins. The description also implies the Hobgoblins lack sensitivity to daylight Goblins have. 
Gnolls: while latter printings have a reference to Lord Sunsany this was actually correctly listed as Lord Dunsany (Edward Plunkett, 18th Lord of Dunsany) in the first printing. Dunsany wrote several fantasy novels dealing with the fey races and are considered a big influence on the fantasy and fantastic horror novelist who came after him
Ogres: the description references the ogre’s height (7 to 10 feet) and size as the reason for their increased damage in combat. In AD&D this was attributed to their great strength (op.cit. Gauntlets of Ogre Strength). 
Trolls: after reading the above about Ogres, here we read Ogres inflict more damage due to their strength – in strength they are about equal to an Ogre, but as they use only their talons and fangs for weapons, only one die of damage is scored when they hit an opponent.

Giants: no Storm Giants. This was remedied in Greyhawk.