23 May 2018

Spells & Levels, and the Alternative Combat System; Annotated

Page 19


Spells & Levels: tries to clear up another common rules misinterpretation. The last sentence states [a] spell used once may not be reused in the same day. It would seem, however, questions continued to linger regarding spell use and memorization. As a result, Gygax wrote an FAQ to clarify. This FAQ, titled QUESTIONS MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED ABOUT DUNGEONS & DRAGONS RULES, appears on pp. 3-4 in The Strategic Review Vol. 1, No. 2 (Summer 1975). Reader should recall material appearing in the SR and early Dragon magazines was considered official, though this status varies somewhat throughout the run of the latter. 

Alternative Combat System

Here we run into another interpretation issue. This section gives us two attack matrices; one for men attacking and based around the PC or NPC level; and one for monsters using the creature’s Hit dice. So, what is a monster? We ask this because we must understand the answer to use the ACS. It is, after all, based upon whether it is a man or monster attacking. According to p. 12 of this volume of rules: 

Note, however, that the term “monster” includes men found in the dungeons, so in this way some high-level characters can be brought into a character’s service (...)

This introduces the idea any encountered entity not a player-character is a monster. But would an NPC Swordsman (3rd Level Fighting-Man) attack using the first column of Matrix I or the third (or, taking into account the +1 to his hit dice, the fourth) column of Matrix II? If the referee uses Matrix one that NPC requires a roll of 17 or better to hit a target clad in plate and carrying a shield. Treating him as a monster, the same NPC only needs a 15 (or 13, depending on how the referee counts his Hit Dice).

Weapon Damage: at the bottom of Matrix I we get our sole rule for weapon damage; 1–6 points damage unless otherwise noted.

Combat Progression: the Matrix I table is based around Fighting-Men and their progression in ability. Other classes will improve in combat proficiency at slower speeds.

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