25 March 2019

The Trippelganger: A Meaner Doppelganger


Number Appearing: 1
Number in Lair: 2-5
AC: 3
Move Rate: 12
HD: 5+1
Lair Nearby: 10
Treasure Type: E
Align: C

Trippelgangers are faster and tougher versions of the doppelganger (DD Vol III, pp. 4, 13). Trippelgangers tend to hunt alone and discreetly removed from their lair, though it is not unknown for these creatures to live among humans. If the latter, they will usually be found in larger cities affording a degree of anonymity while they plot to spread chaos and dissension. Their motivations for doing this are unclear. In addition to their increased toughness, trippelgangers possess an ability that makes them far more dangerous than their doppelganger cousins, having an innate psionic ability to see into the mind of their victim. The trippelganger will pick a person known and familiar to its victim, using this guise to put the mark at ease. Naturally, trippelgangers possess all the abilities of their doppelganger cousins (imitate whomever they see, sleep and charm immunity, save as 10th level fighter).

Note: this monster was inspired by 2 things. First, my post about the city encounter with the doppelganger. Second, the scene in "The World's End" (2013) in which the alien invaders used familiar faces to put the humans at ease ... unfortunately in one case choosing to imitate someone who had passed on many years previous.

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